See the results of the Groundhog Day 2024 season.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day Forecasters in New Jersey

Groundhog Day Forecasters by State/Province: All | Alabama | Alberta | British Columbia | California | Colorado | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Manitoba | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Nova Scotia | Ohio | Oklahoma | Ontario | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Quebec | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

We are currently tracking 9 Groundhog Day forecasters located in New Jersey. They are listed below. If you think we've missed a Groundhog Day forecaster, feel free to let us know.

Name Forecaster Type Location Year of Last Known Prediction
Edgewater ElsieGroundhog sock puppetRoxbury, NJ2024
Essex Ed (Retired)GroundhogWest Orange, NJ2021
Haddon Harry the GroundhogGroundhog mascotHaddon Township, NJ2020
Lady Edwina of EssexGroundhogWest Orange, NJ2024
Landing LilyGroundhog sock puppetLanding, NJ2024
Milltown MelGroundhogMilltown, NJ2021
Otis the Hedgehog (Retired)HedgehogWest Orange, NJ2016
Roxbury RitaGroundhog sock puppetRoxbury, NJ2024
Stonewall JacksonGroundhogWantage, NJ2024

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